I’ve been really struggling with this realization lately. A lot of things I assumed to be true about business, love, and life, just aren’t true anymore. Do you get this, too? Get a little torn over completely contradictory things working for you at different times in your life? Or over opposites actually both feeling true? I am […]
Your Dreams Will Not Fulfill You
I was in Toronto last month to see Rob Bell* and a speaker I’d never heard before was opening for him. His name was Peter Rollins* and MAN! He blew my mind. The thing that he said that spoke most to me was: Your dreams will not fulfill you. And, because he’s dark and hilarious, […]
Essence Of A Dream
Took the kids camping for one last summer hurrah, with an 18-foot, pop-up tent-trailer…by myself! Feeling pretty pleased over here. This is not the kind of thing that I would have pictured myself doing without a troupe of people, or at least a partner, to help out. It wasn’t easy – towing 2500 pounds, backing […]
The Secret To Success
So let’s say you’ve got a pretty clear vision in your mind of where you want to take your life. It’s a different direction, sure, and you’re scared shitless, but at least the picture in your mind of what you want is crystallized. What steps do you take first? Your mind’s likely full of ideas […]
The Juju of Delight
Ever had a rumination just take over your mind? Some kind of worry that you played over and over again until you were shaking with anxiety? I had a major fixation when I started my business. It went like this: I need $X income to keep things stable. This is Y# of clients at $Z […]
The Coordinates of Wisdom
You know that gut feeling you get when something is so totally right for you? Such a clear sense personal alignment that you half expect a choir of angels to break out? Like everything just clinks into place like the unlocking of Gringotts Vault (how cool was that, btw?). This is the resonance of Your […]